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2. A. Nebylov, J. Watson, F. Yanovsky, et al. “Aerospace Sensors”, Sensor Technology Series, Momentum Press, 2011, 576 pp.

3. F. Yanovsky. “Inferring microstructure and turbulence properties in rain through observations and simulations of signal spectra measured with Doppler–polarimetric radars”. Book Chapter in: Polarimetric Detection, Characterization, and Remote Sensing, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer, 2011, 545 pp.

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5. F. J. Yanovsky, “Millimeter Wave Radar: Principles and Applications”, In the book: Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN, Chapter 10. – London, New York: Auerbach Publications CRC Press, 2008. – 464 pp.

6. Бабак В.П., Харченко В.П., Яновський Ф.Й. та інші. "Безпека авіації". Монографія. К.: Техніка, 2004.- 584 с.

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11. П'яних Б.Є. "Основи теорії кіл, чотирьохполюсники, фільтри". // К.: НАУ, 2002. - 10 друк. арк.

12. F.J. Yanovsky, H.W.J. Russchenberg, and C.M.H. Unal. Retrieval of Information About Turbulence in Rain by Using Doppler-Polarimetric Radar. "IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques", Feb., Vol. 53, No 2, 2005, pp. 444 – 450.

13. Yanovsky F.J., Prokopenko I.G., Ligthart L.P. Adaptive algorithms for radar detection of turbulent zones in clouds and precipitation. "IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems", Vol. 39, No1, 2003, pp. 357-367.

14. R.B. Sinitsyn, A.J. Beletsky, F.J. Yanovsky. Noise Signal for Sodar Applications. "Applied Radio Electronics", Vol.4, No1, 2005, pp. 107-110.

15. D. Glushko, A. Lawama, F. Yanovsky. Retrieval of Range Information from Singularities of Electric Components of Lightning Self-Radiation, “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”, Volume 67, 2008, Issue 12, pp. 559-566.

16. A.I. Nоsich, Y.M. Poplavko, D.M. Vavriv, F.J. Yanovsky. Microwaves in Ukraine. "IEEE Microwave Magazine", December, 2002, pp. 82-90

17. Ya. P. Ostrovsky, F. J. Yanovsky. Precipitation and Turbulence Intensity Classification Based on the Polarimetric Doppler Radar Data Analysis “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”, Volume 65, 2006, Issue 12, pp. 1077-1085