Biletsky A.Y.

Full Professor,
Ph.D (Engineering)

Професор кафедри

He was born on September 14, 1939.

In 1962 he graduated from the Kiev institute of civil air fleet (KICAF) in speciality ''Technical operation of the radio-electronic equipment of aircrafts''.

On graduating from KICAF worked as the radio engineer of the aviation technical base (ATB) of Tolmachevo airport of Novosibirsk Region.

During 1964-66 – the graduate student of Kiev institute of ingeneers of the civil aviation (KIECA).

In 1966 he defended his thesis on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, then worked on positions of the assistant, the senior lecturer, the assistant professor, professor KIECA-KIUCA-NAU.

In 1985 he defended his thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of technical science.

From 1986 to 1989 – the dean of the faculty of radio-electronic equipment of KIECA.

From 1987 to 2009 – the head of the department of radio electronics.

1989-2001 – the vice rector on scientific work of NAU. Now – the professor of chair of radio electronics.

The winner of the State award of Ukraine (2000), the Honored Scientist of Ukraine (2011), the Honored professor of NAU (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: digital processing of signals, Fourier's discrete transformations and spectral analysis of signals, theory of noise-stop coding and cryptographic protection of information.

Direction of educational and methodical work: bases of the spectral analysis, algebraic bases of the theory of coding and cryptography, theory of information and coding, cryptography basis, the newest technologies of information protection .

Main publications:

1. Белецкий А.Я. Коды Грея. Монография. – К.: Изд-во «КИТ», 2002. – 150 с.

2. Белецкий А.Я., Бабак В.П. Детерминированные сигналы и спектры. Учебное пособие. – К.: Изд-во «КИТ», 2002. – 502 с.

3. Белецкий А.Я. Комбинаторика кодов Грея. Монография. – К.: Издательская компа-ния «КВЩ», 2003. – 506 с.

4. Білецький А.Я., Бабак В.П. Детерміновані сигнали і спектри. Навчальний посібник. – К.: Техніка, 2003. – 455 с.

5. Белецкий А.Я., Бабак В.П., Приставка А.Ф., Приставка Ф.А. Стохастические сигналы и спектры. Учебное пособие. – К.: Издательская компания «КИТ», 2004. – 290 с.

6. Белецкий А.Я., Бабак В.П., Гуржий А.Н. Сигналы и спектры. Учебное пособие. – К.: Кн. изд-во НАУ, 2005. – 520 с.

7. Білецький А.Я., Бабак В.П., Гуржій А.М. Сигнали і спектри. Навчальний посібник. – К.: Кн. вид-во НАУ, 2005. – 492 с.

8. Белецкий А.Я., Белецкий А.А., Белецкий Е.А. Преобразования Грея. Монография. – К.: Кн. изд-во НАУ, 2007. – Т. 1 «Основы теории». – 412 с.

9. Белецкий А.Я., Белецкий А.А., Белецкий Е.А. Преобразования Грея. Монография. – К.: Кн. изд-во НАУ, 2007. – Т.2 «При-кладные аспекты». – 644 с.

10. Белецкий А.Я., Белецкий Е.А. Квазиэквидистантные коды. Монография. – К.: Вид-во «НАУ-друк», 2008. – 460 с.