Boris Egorovich

Full Professor,
Ph.D (Engineering)

Професор кафедри

He was born on November 18, 1938 in the city of Zaporozhye (Ukraine). In 1966 he graduated from the faculty of radioelectronics of the Kiev polytechnical institute on a specialty "Industrial electronics".

From 1960 to 1963 he worked in the Zaporizhia branch of the Institute of automatics state planning Committee of the Ukrainian SSR in the position of senior technician, and studied in Zaporozhye industrial institute. Since 1963 he worked at the enterprise № 29 (now "Motor - Sich") on the position of fitter of the 5-th category. Since 1966 he worked as an engineer and was trained in postgraduate study of the Institute of electrodynamics of the Ukrainian SSR, then successively the junior and senior scientific employee up to 1984. Since 1984 he worked as an associate professor, and since 1995- professor of the department of radio electronics of the Kyiv institute of civil aviation engineers (now the National aviation university - NAU). In 1972 he defended his thesis "Research of asymmetric modes of frequency converters with a single modulation" on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences on the specialty 05.253 "Devices and equipment of automatics and telemechanics".

In 1995 he defended his thesis “Methods and means of improving the quality of the output energy of completely controlled electronic converters with direct connection to power supply systems” on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of technical science on a specialty "Semiconductor converters of the electric power".

Scientific interests are concentrated on the following directions: the theory of electrical and electronic circuits, power electronics, power inverter technology, and the secondary sources of energy.

For the period of scientific activity he performed 8 research topics for the development and inculcation in manufacture of the scientific research results in the field of power transforming engineering.

According to the results of scientific activities the next scientific-technical development implemented in the production: "Development and research of semiconductor converters parameters energy for preparative ultracentrifuge", "Development of controlled electric drive for turbo molecular pump of high vacuum", "Development of the direct frequency converter for the controlled machine for precision processing of large diameter mirrors for laser radiation", "Development of electric drive for liquid metal pump for cooling stations of nuclear reactors".

He is the senior scientific employee on a specialty "Power semiconductor converters" (1979), associate professor of the department of radio electronics (1991), professor of the department of radio electronics (1996).

He was awarded medals" In the memory of the 1500 anniversary of Kyiv" (1982), "Veteran of labor" (1990), honorary sign "Inventor of the USSR" (1980), the medal of the National aviation university "For honest labor" (2004).

The author of 166 scientific works.

Main publications:

1. Пьяных Б.Е. , Михальский В.М. Повышение качества энергии в преобразователях частоты с непосредственной связью. Препринт. ИЭД АН УССР, Киев, 1984, 58 с.

2. Пьяных Б.Е. Пасечник И.А. Анализ электрических цепей на ЭВМ. Расчет установившихся режимов: Учебное пособие, - Киев: КМУГА, 1990, 167 с.

3. Пьяных Б. Е., Гаева Е.А. Применение операционного исчисления к решению радио – и электроинженерных задач: Учебное пособие. – Киев: КМУГА.

4. П’яних Б.Є., Мельніков Є.В., Животовський С.О. Аналіз електричних кіл. Розрахунок стаціонарних режимів: Навчальний посібник. – Київ, КМУЦА.1999, 184с.

5. П’яних Б.Є. Основи теорії кіл. Перехідні процеси в електричних колах. Чотириполюсники. Фільтри: Навчальний посібник. – К.: НАУ, 2003, 204 с.